The elements of our brand¡¯s visual identity
Mirae Asset¡¯s primary colors are Mirae Asset Orange and Mirae Asset Blue.
Mirae Asset Orange should be used as the main color, and Mirae Asset Blue is used to support the main color.
C0 M60 Y100 K0
R245 G130 B32
C100 M60 Y0 K40
R4 G59 B114
When in need for extra color for graphs or illustration, the primary colors should first be used, and then utilize colors below.
C4 M37 Y60 K0
R240 G175 B107
C1 M72 Y100 K7
R203 G96 B21
C22 M66 Y68 K15
R174 G99 B78
C22 M15 Y15 K40
R132 G136 B139
C88 M0 Y11 K0
R0 G169 B206
C100 M22 Y2 K18
R0 G134 B184
C52 M29 Y0 K0
R126 G160 B195
C45 M1 Y0 K1
R141 G200 B232
Below sub colors can be utilized in a digital environment, as a background color or lines to emphasize and complement the main content.
C15 M0 Y0 K80
R72 G93 B91
C25 M30 Y40 K0
R194 G172 B151
C22 M15 Y15 K15
R132 G136 B139
C15 M8 Y10 K30
R160 G166 B168
C6 M4 Y7 K15
R205 G206 B203
C4 M3 Y5 K5
R229 G228 B225
C9 M6 Y3 K0
R236 G239 B244
Mirae Asset Securities(NY)
Mirae Asset Alternative
Invetment Vietnam
Mirae Asset Securities
- Ho Chi Minh representative Ofiice
Mirae Asset Securities
Mirae Asset Investment Managers
- Dubai representative Office
Mirae Asset Securities
Mirae Asset Investment
Mirae Asset Securitires
(Beijing representative Office)
Mirae Asset Securitires
(Shanghai representative Office)
* Special Administrative Region of the People¡¯s Republic of China